Scottish EDGE
We give Entrepreneurs the EDGE. We discover, invest in and nurture their ideas, which transform lives and build a stronger Scotland.
Scottish EDGE is a funding competition aimed at identifying and supporting Scotland’s innovative, high growth potential entrepreneurial talent.
Scottish EDGE has so far awarded over £16m+ to 428 up-and-coming, innovative, high-growth potential entrepreneurial businesses, which in turn have boosted the Scottish economy with a further 1858 jobs and an additional £151m turnover.
Last year Scottish EDGE and STV came together to support entrepreneurs and start-ups across Scotland.
As part of this collaboration, an exciting new EDGE Award has been launched; the STV Growth EDGE Award. This award is open to consumer-facing businesses in funding rounds 16 & 17. The first-ever winner of the STV Growth EDGE is Sam Brennan of Fresh Car Valeting based in Falkirk. As the winner of the award, Sam receives a gifted membership to the STV Growth Fund.
Find out more about Scottish EDGE and how you can apply for funding by visiting their website.
Read the full press release by clicking here.